Sunday Worship Service at 10:00 am (June 16 - September 1)

O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker (Psalm 95:6)

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness (Psalm 29:2)

Why do we gather for worship each Sunday? 

God calls all people to humble themselves and worship Him. Why? Because the Lord our God is worthy of our  worship. God has created us, "to glorify him and enjoy him forever!"  And through faith in and obedience to Jesus Christ we can glorify and enjoy God forever!

How do we worship at Fellowship? 

Our worship service often includes:

  • A call to worship
  • Songs of praise and hymns
  • Scripture readings
  • Confession of sins
  • Assurance of forgiveness
  • Prayers for the church, community, country, and the world
  • Sermon
  • Song of Response
  • Benediction

*After each service our prayer team is available up front for those who would like prayer. Any request big or small is welcomed. 

**On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate Communion. All baptized Christians, who have put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord over their lives and Savior from their sins are welcome and encouraged to share in the Communion meal.  


The worship service last about an 1hr and 15 mins. After the service we encourage all people to greet each other and spend time with one another. 


Are kids encouraged to worship? 

Yes! Kids of all ages are encouraged to worship with their family each Sunday. 

For children ages 0-3, we do have nursery care available.

And children ages 4-5th grade meet for Jr Church during the sermon times. 

Students grades 6th and up are encouraged to stay with their families for all of the worship service.